Friday, February 6, 2009

Creative Escape is pleased to present our new blog!!

In order to assist in keeping you up to date with all our new course offerings please navigate through our craft categories to find details and descriptions of all out workshops!

Find a class you like and want to register??

Workshop Registration:

Online registration and payment is coming soon....

In the mean time if you are interested in any of our workshops on offer please email the following information to

Name of course
Participants names
email address
contact telephone number

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require any further information!

Hope to see you at one of our workshops soon...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Creative Escape has re-opened!!

With a fresh new look and revamped schedule...
Entering into 2009 we took the opportunity and mixed things up a bit to be able to serve you better. Hope you are as excited as we are about all the changes.

So what's happened..

* We just got COLDER!! New air-con has been installed! Definitely making your experience with us more comfortable!
* We have given our Glass & Jewellery making a new home in our "Orange" room. The ideal workshop set-up provides you with more space to spread out and get creative!
* We have become more course orientated ... we understand hectic lifestyles and that free time is hard to come by. So we have structured our workshops with just that in mind! Series of short workshops and taster courses without the pressure of a long term commitment.

As we changed the studio around we have also revamped our format...

* In line with our new workshop focus, our calendar is packed full of courses to offer you. Please check our calendar on our website.
* As our calendar has changed so have our operating hours. Creative Escape will be open during scheduled workshop/class times and "open sessions".
* The "Open Sessions" are literally that. Come along and try your hand at the range of crafts we offer. "Open sessions" are scheduled on our calendar.
* Our studio is here for you, our customers. We encourage its use!! Should you wish to arrange your own studio sessions outside of those scheduled please do call or email to make an appointment.

And best of all... to assist in keeping you up to date with all that is going on at Creative Escape check our website regularly :
The website will be updated frequently with new workshops, studio times, & special events.

Thank you for all your support and look forward to seeing you at the studio soon!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to Creative Escape

Creative Escape is not ordinary arts and crafts studio.
Providing you with a tranquil atmosphere to stimulate your creativity and imagination.
Become inspired through our wide range of workshops or visit during our open sessions for a little "creative escape".