Monday, June 21, 2010

Off to a fresh start....

I'm off to a freash new start in Sydney and Creative Escape is moving into a new chapter!!!

Neena Ali, founder of Chalk and Ali ( taken over the studio and will soon have a fabulous new "creative escape" ready for you to enjoy!!

Thank you all for your support and kindness while watching Creative Escape grow over the years. I will miss it dearly but the time has come to pass the torch and watch the creative flare of the studio grow....

Thank you and wish me luck!!

Arden xx


Mad'moiselle C. said...

Yeaaaah !!! Goud luck and give some news sometimes ! Enjoy your new life in Sydney !

Anonymous said...

This concept shop that you have is absolutely brilliant. Are you replicating it along with you to Sydney?

Kelly C said...

oh wow.. I was just wanting to go back there.
Things happen alot in a year yeah. May I know if the new Creative Escape(singapore) will they still be having kiln services?